Better be first 99% of the time than second 100% of the time

Marton Trencseni - Fri 25 August 2023 • Tagged with book, hft, trading, fpga

A review of the Donald MacKenzie's book Trading at the Speed of Light, which gives an excellent history and inside-peek of the world of High Frequency Trading, or HFT.

Trading at the Speed of Light

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Hack, HHVM and avoiding the Second-system effect

Marton Trencseni - Sat 14 May 2016 • Tagged with books, programming, hhvm, brooks

I read this book on my first vacation after I started working at Facebook and thus became a semi-regular Hack/HHVM user. I highly recommend reading (parts of) it. But not to learn Hack/PHP, which is irrelevant to most people. Instead, it’s to learn about how Facebook improved it’s www codebase and performance without rewriting the old PHP code in one big effort, and thus avoided the famous Second-system effect.

Hack book

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