Finding similar API functions between Pytorch and Tensorflow with Doc2Vec
Marton Trencseni - Wed 21 December 2022 - machine-learning
In a series of previous posts I used Doc2Vec to add recommendations to this blog, which are now live (scroll to the bottom of any page, it's a blue box). These previous posts were:
- Similar posts recommendation with Doc2Vec - Part I
- Similar posts recommendation with Doc2Vec - Part II
- Similar posts recommendation with Doc2Vec - Part III
I wanted to see how Dov2Vec performs out-of-the-box comparing pages from different domains, ie. pages that have a different structure. Since I don't have a labeled data set for this, I was thinking of some domain where there are obvious similarities, and I could manually check the quality of the results. It occured to me that Pytorch and Tensorflow are similar Deep Learning libraries, so I could use Docv2Vec to compute similarities between their API doc pages, and see if it finds obvious "pairs". By pairs I mean, both will have a library function for eg. Cross Entropy, and so on. Let's see how it goes!
First, let's download the API docs. Initially I tried to use scrapy for this, but after a few hours of usage, I grew disappointed and abandoned it, for the following reasons:
- it does not (seem to) have a good default auto-crawl, I needed to specifically tell it what links to crawl
- it does not (seem to) have good default document extraction, you're on your own with eg. BeautifulSoup
- it does not (seen to) have good default error-handling, eg. handling a
links crashes it - it uses a multiprocessing library which does not allow multiple crawls/restarts when used from ipython on Windows; I had to restart the whole python kernel on every new crawl
After a few hours of not getting much bang for my buck, I realized I'm better off writing a simple crawler loop myself with requests
, urllib
and BeautifulSoup
. At least for such a simple use-case, I was right. My solution is more robust when used from ipython, simples, and about the same amount of code as the scrapy driver class:
def extract_text_and_links(html):
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
text = ' '.join(soup.find('article').text.split())
links = [link['href'] for link in soup.find_all('a', href=True)]
return text, links
def link_prefix(link):
if '#' in link:
link = link.split('#')[0]
if '?' in link:
link = link.split('?')[0]
return link
def resolve_links(base_url, links):
return set([link_prefix(urljoin(base_url, link)) for link in links])
def filter_links(base_domain, links):
return [link for link in links if link.startswith('https://') and base_domain in link and '.pdf' not in link]
def crawl_and_save(base_url, num_pages):
print(f'Crawling {base_url}...')
base_domain = base_url.split('/')[0]
urls_queued, urls_crawled, saved_pages = ['https://' + base_url], set(), {}
while len(urls_queued) > 0 and len(urls_crawled) < num_pages:
url = urls_queued.pop(0)
print(f'Fetching {url}')
html = requests.get(url).text
text, links = extract_text_and_links(html)
if base_url in url:
saved_pages[url] = text
links = resolve_links(url, links)
links = filter_links(base_url, links)
links = [link for link in links if (link not in set(urls_queued) and link not in urls_crawled)]
print(f'Crawled {len(urls_crawled)} total pages, saved {len(urls_crawled)} target pages')
print(f'Total content extracted: {int(sum([len(v)/1000 for v in saved_pages.values()]))} kbytes')
return urls_crawled, saved_pages
With this I can now crawl both API docs:
_, tf_saved_pages = crawl_and_save(
_, pt_saved_pages = crawl_and_save(
The output looks something like:
Crawled 5000 total pages, saved 5000 target pages
Total content extracted: 14570 kbytes
Crawled 3912 total pages, saved 3912 target pages
Total content extracted: 7921 kbytes
Note: at num_pages=5000
, there were still some Tensorflow pages left, since it crawled the full 5,000 pages. Pytorch stopped at 3,912, so it crawled the entire documentation.
The next step is to merge the saved pages, and similar to how we did it in the previous Doc2Vec post, build the model:
pages = {**tf_saved_pages, **pt_saved_pages}
tagged_posts = {url : TaggedDocument(word_tokenize(text), [idx]) for idx, (url, text) in enumerate(pages.items())}
idx_lookup = {idx : url for idx, url in enumerate(pages.keys())}
model = Doc2Vec(tagged_posts.values(), vector_size=100, alpha=0.025, min_count=1, workers=16, epochs=100)
Similarity extraction
First, let's re-use the similar_pages()
function from the previous article and do a consistency check:
def similar_pages(which, n=3):
if not isinstance(which, str):
which = idx_lookup[which]
# at this point which is the url
if n == 'all':
return model.dv.most_similar(positive=[model.infer_vector(tagged_posts[which][0])], topn=None)
results = model.dv.most_similar(positive=[model.infer_vector(tagged_posts[which][0])], topn=len(pages))
results = [(idx_lookup[idx], f'{score:.3f}') for idx, score in results
if idx != tagged_posts[which][1][0] and 'www' not in idx_lookup[idx]]
return results[:n]
similar_pages('', n=10)
[('', '0.661'),
('', '0.651'),
('', '0.640')]
This looks reasonable. adjoint
is a matrix operation, and it returns related matrix operations. Let's look at another one:
[('', '0.885'),
('', '0.826'),
('', '0.820')]
This looks reasonable. So similar_pages()
returns similar pages, from the same API docs, as expected.
The next step is to write a simple function which returns the top n
pages from the other API docs, given a query URL:
def similar_pages_cross(which, n=3):
if not isinstance(which, str):
which = idx_lookup[which]
# at this point which is the url
results = model.dv.most_similar(positive=[model.infer_vector(tagged_posts[which][0])], topn=len(pages))
exclude = '' if '' in which else ''
results = [(idx_lookup[idx], f'{score:.3f}') for idx, score in results
if idx != tagged_posts[which][1][0] and exclude not in idx_lookup[idx] and 'www' not in idx_lookup[idx]]
return results[:n]
Let's see:
[('', '0.581'),
('', '0.581'),
('', '0.578')]
This does not look good, I would have liked to get
in there.
Let's try with BCE:
[('', '0.559'),
('', '0.536'),
('', '0.526')]
This looks reasonable.
After playing around with the results more, my conclusion is that the top recommendations from the other API docs are not always what I'd intuitively expect. Ie. similarly to how the pair of adjoint
is not found, Doc2Vec does not reliably identify the matching/similar API call in the other API docs. Based on this very limited experiment, I suspect that this simple version would not be good enough for production use, ie. give recommendations for a programmer coming from one API, trying to use the other.