Classification accuracy of quantized Autoencoders with Pytorch and MNIST

Marton Trencseni - Fri 09 April 2021 • Tagged with python, pytorch, cnn, torchvision, mnist, autoencoder

I measure how the classification accuracy of quantized Autoencoder neural network varies with encoding bits on MNIST digits.

Classifier accuracy on quantized Autoencoder output after quantization

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Investigating information storage in quantized Autoencoders with Pytorch and MNIST

Marton Trencseni - Sun 04 April 2021 • Tagged with python, pytorch, cnn, torchvision, mnist, autoencoder

I investigate how much information an Autoencoder neural network encodes for MNIST digits.

Pytorch Autoencoder loss with encoding dimension and quantization bits

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Building a Pytorch Autoencoder for MNIST digits

Marton Trencseni - Thu 18 March 2021 • Tagged with pytorch, autoencoder, mnist

I build an Autoencoder network to categorize MNIST digits in Pytorch.

Conversion difference vs N

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