Lifelong purchases

Marton Trencseni - Sun 05 February 2023 • Tagged with lifelong, purchase, victorinox

What are some of my buy-it-for-life purchases?


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Crypto V: On NFTs

Marton Trencseni - Fri 27 January 2023 • Tagged with crypto, bitcoin, btc, ftx, ftt

I argue that virtual goods such as in-game skins make more sense in a centralized walled-garden approach, and NFTs tracked and traded on blockchains are legally problematic.

BTC transaction

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Crypto IV: On stock investing vs. crypto investing

Marton Trencseni - Sat 21 January 2023 • Tagged with crypto, bitcoin, btc, ftx, ftt

I argue that a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin has a weird property: the more you buy of it, the less valuable it becomes.

Elon Musk Twitter

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Crypto III: On perceivd crypto advantages such as anonymity and irreversibility

Marton Trencseni - Fri 20 January 2023 • Tagged with crypto, bitcoin, btc, ftx, ftt

I argue that anonymity, irreversibility and decentralization, while interesting technical features that implemented in a fascinating way using cryptographic primites, are not practical for real-world use.

BTC transaction

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Crypto II: On fiat currencies vs. crypto currencies

Marton Trencseni - Mon 09 January 2023 • Tagged with crypto, bitcoin, btc, fiat

Are cryptocurrencies really better than fiat currencies? I argue that the answer is negative.

Price of a Big Mac in BTC and USD

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Crypto I: On cryptocurrencies, explained using FTX Tokens

Marton Trencseni - Sat 24 December 2022 • Tagged with crypto, bitcoin, btc, ftx, ftt

The crypto space is a fascinating intersection of technology, economics and human psychology. However, I remain skeptical of the value of crypto tokens and NFTs. Here I explain my thought process using FTX Tokens as an example.

Crypto venn diagram

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Finding similar API functions between Pytorch and Tensorflow with Doc2Vec

Marton Trencseni - Wed 21 December 2022 • Tagged with similarity, python, word2vec, doc2vec, pytorch, tensorflow

I use Doc2Vec to try to find pairs of similar API functions between Pytorch and Tensorflow.

Tensorflow Pytorch

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Testing GPT-3 spatial reasoning and comprehension

Marton Trencseni - Sat 17 December 2022 • Tagged with gpt, gpt-3

I run experiments to determine whether, or to what degree, GPT-3 has developed an comprehension of spatial relationships.


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Fred Brooks' The Mythical Man-Month

Marton Trencseni - Thu 15 December 2022 • Tagged with book, management, engineering

I reflect on the core points of Fred Brooks' seminal book, The Mythical Man-Month, that I often recall and apply in my daily work.

The Mythical Man-Month

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How good an astrophysicist is GPT-3?

Marton Trencseni - Mon 12 December 2022 • Tagged with gpt, gpt-3

Here I will show a "conversation" with GPT-3 to gauge how good an astrophysicist — or an illusion of an astrophysicist — it is. I will focus on cosmology questions, because that's most interesting part of the field.


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Similar posts recommendation with Doc2Vec - Part III

Marton Trencseni - Sat 10 December 2022 • Tagged with similarity, python, gensim, word2vec, doc2vec, pyml

In the previous posts, I used the Doc2Vec neural network architecture to compute the similarities between my blog posts, and explored the quality of the scores. In this final post, I show how I added the final Articles You May Like recommendation sections to the blog — it's live!


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Similar posts recommendation with Doc2Vec - Part II

Marton Trencseni - Sun 04 December 2022 • Tagged with similarity, python, gensim, word2vec, doc2vec, pyml

In the previous post, I used the Doc2Vec neural network architecture to compute the similarities between my blog posts. In this second post I investigate the results further by examining clusters in graphs.


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Similar posts recommendation with Doc2Vec - Part I

Marton Trencseni - Sat 03 December 2022 • Tagged with similarity, python, gensim, word2vec, doc2vec, pyml

One of the things I learned at Facebook is the power of recommendations. Examples are People You May Know (PYMK), Groups You May Like (GYML) and Pages You May Like (PYML). Inspired by these, I am planning to add an Articles You May Like widget to Bytepawn, based on the semantic similarity of blog posts. I use the Doc2Vec neural network architecture to compute the similarity between my blog posts, and return the top 3 recommendations for each page.


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Ask HN: Data Scientists, what libraries do you use for timeseries forecasting?

Marton Trencseni - Wed 30 November 2022 • Tagged with timeseries, prophet, darts, python

One of the most common Data Science tasks in a business setting is timeseries forecasting. I was curious what methods and libraries other Data Scientists use, so I posted an "Ask HN" on Hacker News. The post generated 89 comments, most of them high-quality. This is my summary of the discussion.


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Estimating mathematical constants with Monte Carlo simulations

Marton Trencseni - Sun 09 October 2022 • Tagged with monte-carlo, simulation, math

I use simple Monte Carlo simulations to estimate some mathematical constants: √2, ϕ, e and π.


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Common patterns in technical interviewing

Marton Trencseni - Sat 01 October 2022 • Tagged with interviewing

I will attempt to enumerate all the categories of questions commonly asked in technical interview loops, and my experience with them.


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How good a particle physicist is GPT-3?

Marton Trencseni - Sat 24 September 2022 • Tagged with gpt, gpt-3

Here I will show a "conversation" with GPT-3 to gauge how good a particle physicist — or an illusion of a particle physicist — it is.


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Data Science Culture Doc

Marton Trencseni - Fri 23 September 2022 • Tagged with culture

I wrote a Culture Doc for the Data Science team I lead.

Culture doc

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How good a Data Scientist is GPT-3? - Part II

Marton Trencseni - Sat 03 September 2022 • Tagged with gpt, gpt-3

I have further "conversations" with GPT-3, this time asking more difficult questions about real-world Data Science projects I have personally worked on.


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How good a Data Scientist is GPT-3?

Marton Trencseni - Sun 31 July 2022 • Tagged with gpt, gpt-3

Recently I have been playing around with OpenAI's GPT-3 and I am very impressed by it. It reminds of the famous Arthur C. Clarke quote, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Here I will show a "conversation" with GPT-3 to gauge how good a Data Scientist — or an illusion of a Data Scientist — it is.


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