Probabilistic spin glass - Part I

Marton Trencseni - Sat 11 December 2021 • Tagged with entropy, physics, spin, glass

I run Monte Carlo simulations on probabilistic spin glasses, a simple mathematical model of magnetized matter with short range interactions. I use entropy to characterize the model's order-disorder transition.


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The physical Sackur-Tetrode entropy of an ideal gas

Marton Trencseni - Mon 29 November 2021 • Tagged with entropy, physics

I derive the Sackur-Tetrode equation for entropy of a monatomic ideal gas.


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Entropy of an ideal gas with coarse-graining

Marton Trencseni - Fri 19 November 2021 • Tagged with entropy, physics

I show the first steps of how to arrive at a definition of entropy for a monatomic ideal gas modeled as hard billiard balls.


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WeToddle retrospective

Marton Trencseni - Fri 29 October 2021 • Tagged with startups, cocoon, facebook

The idea behind WeToddle came from the Baby Fanclub group we have on Messenger, which has most of our family in it. It turns out some ex-Facebook people had a similar idea in 2019, raised $3M, spent a 2 years on it, and then gave up because it didn’t go anywhere (presumably).

WeToddle Android

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Entropy in Data Science

Marton Trencseni - Sun 24 October 2021 • Tagged with entropy

I discuss 4 uses of entropy in Data Science: (i) cross entropy as a loss function for training neural network classifiers (ii) entropy as a splitting criterion for building decision trees (iii) entropy for evaluating clustering algorithms (iv) entropy for understanding relationships in tabular data.

Information gain

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100 articles

Marton Trencseni - Mon 18 October 2021 • Tagged with meta

A review and introspect on the first 100 articles written on Bytepawn.


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Cross entropy, joint entropy, conditional entropy and relative entropy

Marton Trencseni - Sat 09 October 2021 • Tagged with entropy, cross-entropy, joint-entropy, conditional-entropy, relative-entropy, kullback–leibler-diverence

What's the difference between cross entropy, joint entropy, conditional entropy and relative entropy?

Information gain

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What's the entropy of a fair coin toss?

Marton Trencseni - Sat 25 September 2021 • Tagged with entropy, interviews, cross-entropy, physics

What's the entropy of a fair coin toss? What if the coin almost always returns Heads? My recruiter reports that very few candidates can answer these entropy related DS screening questions.


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Five ways to reduce variance in A/B testing

Marton Trencseni - Sun 19 September 2021 • Tagged with ab-testing, variance, stratification, cuped

I use toy Monte Carlo simulations to demonstrate 5 ways to reduce variance in A/B testing: increase sample size, move towards a more even split, reduce variance in the metric definition, stratification and CUPED.

Historic lift

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Correlations, seasonality, lift and CUPED

Marton Trencseni - Sun 05 September 2021 • Tagged with ab-testing, cuped

In this final blog post about CUPED, I will address some questions about CUPED, such as, is correlation between "before" and "after" the same as seasonality?


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A/A testing and false positives with CUPED

Marton Trencseni - Sun 15 August 2021 • Tagged with ab-testing, cuped

I use Monte Carlo simulations of A/A tests to demonstrate how Data Scientists can incorrectly skew lift and p-values if they pick-and-choose between reporting traditional and CUPED results after the experiment has concluded.

Historic lift

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Reducing variance in conversion A/B testing with CUPED

Marton Trencseni - Sat 07 August 2021 • Tagged with ab-testing, cuped

I use Monte Carlo simulations of conversion A/B tests to demonstrate how CUPED reduces measurement variance in conversion experiments.

Historic lift

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Reducing variance in A/B testing with CUPED

Marton Trencseni - Sat 31 July 2021 • Tagged with ab-testing, cuped

I use Monte Carlo simulations of A/B tests to demonstrate CUPED, a method to use historic "before" data to reduce the variance in the measurement of the treatment lift.

Historic lift

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A/B testing and the historic lift paradox [redacted]

Marton Trencseni - Sun 25 July 2021 • Tagged with redacted

I show how looking at historic "before" values in A/B testing can lead to an apparent paradox.

Historic lift

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The Full Stack Data Scientist

Marton Trencseni - Fri 23 July 2021 • Tagged with data, fallacies

What are the core skills a data scientist needs to sustainably achieve bottom-line impact, without blocking on external help from other roles?

Data Scientist

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Comparing NeuralProphet and Prophet for timeseries forecasting

Marton Trencseni - Tue 20 July 2021 • Tagged with modeling, timeseries, prophet, neuralprophet

I compare Prophet and NeuralProphet performance using a toy forecasting benchmark.


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Timeseries forecasting with Prophet

Marton Trencseni - Sun 18 July 2021 • Tagged with modeling, timeseries, prophet

Prophet is a simple to use timeseries forecasting library by Facebook.


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YOLO object detection architecture

Marton Trencseni - Sat 10 July 2021 • Tagged with yolo, yolov5, vision, object detection

I discuss the YOLO neural network architecture for object detection.

YOLO architecture

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YOLOv5 object detection experiments

Marton Trencseni - Fri 02 July 2021 • Tagged with yolo, yolov5, vision, object detection

I run object detection experiments with pre-trained YOLOv5 models.

YOLO object detection example

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Predicting party affiliation of US politicians using fasttext

Marton Trencseni - Sun 20 June 2021 • Tagged with statistics, trump, politics, fasttext, twitter

I train a fasttext classifier on 1.2M data points to predict US politicians' party affiliations from their twitter messages.

Trump Schiff

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