Leadership models III: First Principles Thinking

Marton Trencseni - Tue 16 May 2023 • Tagged with leadership, mental, models, first-principles

I describe Elon Musk's First Principles Thinking model through several examples: SpaceX, Warren Buffet's Berkshire, Google's organization design, Python's language design, Random Forests and Convolutional Neural Networks.

Elon Musk First Principles Thinking

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Leadership models II: Growth Mindset, Eisenhower Matrix, Tuckman Model, Cynefin Framework, SCARF Model

Marton Trencseni - Sun 14 May 2023 • Tagged with leadership, mental, models, growth-mindset, eisenhower-matrix, tuckman, cynefin, scarf

I describe the following mental models useful in leadership and self-management: the Growth Mindset, Eisenhower Matrix, Tuckman Model, Cynefin Framework, SCARF Model.

Trust equation

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Leadership models I: Iceberg Model, Six Thinking Hats, Trust Equation, Circle of influence, OODA Loop

Marton Trencseni - Fri 12 May 2023 • Tagged with leadership, mental, models, iceberg, thinking-hats, trust-euqation, ooda

I describe the following mental models useful in leadership and self-management: Iceberg Model, Six Thinking Hats, Trust Equation, Circle of Influence and OODA Loop.

Trust equation

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GPT News Poet: silly AI poems based on today's news

Marton Trencseni - Sun 07 May 2023 • Tagged with gpt, python, gnews, ai

I show how I used GNews and the OpenAI API to build GPT News Poet, a fun toy site showing silly AI poems based on today's news.

ROC curve

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Can ChatGPT write the C++20 async message queue codes from the previous posts?

Marton Trencseni - Sat 15 April 2023 • Tagged with cpp, async, message, queue, chatgpt

I try to get ChatGPT to write the codes in the previous posts. It's able to write the basic message queue skeleton, but it cannot implement more complicated features such as delivery semantics with caching; also, the code crashes. C++ programmers do not (yet) need to fear for their jobs.


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Writing a simple C++20 async message queue server - Part II

Marton Trencseni - Sat 08 April 2023 • Tagged with cpp, async, message, queue

I write a somewhat more complicated, but still relatively simple async message queue server in modern C++20.


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Writing a simple C++20 async message queue server - Part I

Marton Trencseni - Sun 02 April 2023 • Tagged with cpp, async, message, queue

I write a simple, bi-directional async message queue server in modern C++20.


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Can ChatGPT write the Python async message queue codes from the previous posts?

Marton Trencseni - Sun 05 March 2023 • Tagged with python, async, message, queue, chatgpt

I try to get ChatGPT to write the codes in the previous posts. It's able to write the basic message queue skeleton, but cannot implement more complicated features such as delivery semantics with caching.


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Writing a simple Python async message queue server - Part II

Marton Trencseni - Thu 02 March 2023 • Tagged with python, async, message, queue

I write a somewhat more complicated, but still relatively simple async message queue server in Python.


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Writing a simple Python async message queue server - Part I

Marton Trencseni - Mon 27 February 2023 • Tagged with python, async, message, queue

I write a simple, bi-directional async message queue server in Python.


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Lifelong purchases

Marton Trencseni - Sun 05 February 2023 • Tagged with lifelong, purchase, victorinox

What are some of my buy-it-for-life purchases?


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Crypto V: On NFTs

Marton Trencseni - Fri 27 January 2023 • Tagged with crypto, bitcoin, btc, ftx, ftt

I argue that virtual goods such as in-game skins make more sense in a centralized walled-garden approach, and NFTs tracked and traded on blockchains are legally problematic.

BTC transaction

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Crypto IV: On stock investing vs. crypto investing

Marton Trencseni - Sat 21 January 2023 • Tagged with crypto, bitcoin, btc, ftx, ftt

I argue that a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin has a weird property: the more you buy of it, the less valuable it becomes.

Elon Musk Twitter

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Crypto III: On perceivd crypto advantages such as anonymity and irreversibility

Marton Trencseni - Fri 20 January 2023 • Tagged with crypto, bitcoin, btc, ftx, ftt

I argue that anonymity, irreversibility and decentralization, while interesting technical features that implemented in a fascinating way using cryptographic primites, are not practical for real-world use.

BTC transaction

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Crypto II: On fiat currencies vs. crypto currencies

Marton Trencseni - Mon 09 January 2023 • Tagged with crypto, bitcoin, btc, fiat

Are cryptocurrencies really better than fiat currencies? I argue that the answer is negative.

Price of a Big Mac in BTC and USD

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Crypto I: On cryptocurrencies, explained using FTX Tokens

Marton Trencseni - Sat 24 December 2022 • Tagged with crypto, bitcoin, btc, ftx, ftt

The crypto space is a fascinating intersection of technology, economics and human psychology. However, I remain skeptical of the value of crypto tokens and NFTs. Here I explain my thought process using FTX Tokens as an example.

Crypto venn diagram

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Finding similar API functions between Pytorch and Tensorflow with Doc2Vec

Marton Trencseni - Wed 21 December 2022 • Tagged with similarity, python, word2vec, doc2vec, pytorch, tensorflow

I use Doc2Vec to try to find pairs of similar API functions between Pytorch and Tensorflow.

Tensorflow Pytorch

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Testing GPT-3 spatial reasoning and comprehension

Marton Trencseni - Sat 17 December 2022 • Tagged with gpt, gpt-3

I run experiments to determine whether, or to what degree, GPT-3 has developed an comprehension of spatial relationships.


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Fred Brooks' The Mythical Man-Month

Marton Trencseni - Thu 15 December 2022 • Tagged with book, management, engineering

I reflect on the core points of Fred Brooks' seminal book, The Mythical Man-Month, that I often recall and apply in my daily work.

The Mythical Man-Month

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How good an astrophysicist is GPT-3?

Marton Trencseni - Mon 12 December 2022 • Tagged with gpt, gpt-3

Here I will show a "conversation" with GPT-3 to gauge how good an astrophysicist — or an illusion of an astrophysicist — it is. I will focus on cosmology questions, because that's most interesting part of the field.


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