Paper: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Monte Carlo Simulations in A/B Testing

Marton Trencseni - Thu 05 December 2024 • Tagged with ab-testing

I run Monte Carlo simulations of content production over random Watts-Strogatz graphs to show various effects relevant to modeling and understanding Randomized Controlled Trials on social networks: the network effect, spillover effect, experiment dampening effect, intrinsic dampening effect, clustering effect, degree distribution effect and the experiment size effect. I will also define some simple metrics to measure their strength. When running experiments these potentially unexpected effects must be understood and controlled for in some manner, such as modeling the underlying graph structure to establish a baseline.

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Paper: Monte Carlo Experiments of Network Effects in Randomized Controlled Trials

Marton Trencseni - Tue 09 April 2024 • Tagged with ab-testing

I run Monte Carlo simulations of content production over random Watts-Strogatz graphs to show various effects relevant to modeling and understanding Randomized Controlled Trials on social networks: the network effect, spillover effect, experiment dampening effect, intrinsic dampening effect, clustering effect, degree distribution effect and the experiment size effect. I will also define some simple metrics to measure their strength. When running experiments these potentially unexpected effects must be understood and controlled for in some manner, such as modeling the underlying graph structure to establish a baseline.

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Five ways to reduce variance in A/B testing

Marton Trencseni - Sun 19 September 2021 • Tagged with ab-testing, variance, stratification, cuped

I use toy Monte Carlo simulations to demonstrate 5 ways to reduce variance in A/B testing: increase sample size, move towards a more even split, reduce variance in the metric definition, stratification and CUPED.

Historic lift

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Correlations, seasonality, lift and CUPED

Marton Trencseni - Sun 05 September 2021 • Tagged with ab-testing, cuped

In this final blog post about CUPED, I will address some questions about CUPED, such as, is correlation between "before" and "after" the same as seasonality?


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A/A testing and false positives with CUPED

Marton Trencseni - Sun 15 August 2021 • Tagged with ab-testing, cuped

I use Monte Carlo simulations of A/A tests to demonstrate how Data Scientists can incorrectly skew lift and p-values if they pick-and-choose between reporting traditional and CUPED results after the experiment has concluded.

Historic lift

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Reducing variance in conversion A/B testing with CUPED

Marton Trencseni - Sat 07 August 2021 • Tagged with ab-testing, cuped

I use Monte Carlo simulations of conversion A/B tests to demonstrate how CUPED reduces measurement variance in conversion experiments.

Historic lift

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Reducing variance in A/B testing with CUPED

Marton Trencseni - Sat 31 July 2021 • Tagged with ab-testing, cuped

I use Monte Carlo simulations of A/B tests to demonstrate CUPED, a method to use historic "before" data to reduce the variance in the measurement of the treatment lift.

Historic lift

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Beyond the Central Limit Theorem

Marton Trencseni - Thu 06 February 2020 • Tagged with data, ab testing, statistics

In the previous post, I talked about the importance of the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) to A/B testing. Here we will explore cases when we cannot rely on the CLT to hold.

Running mean for Cauchy distribution

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A/B testing and the Central Limit Theorem

Marton Trencseni - Wed 05 February 2020 • Tagged with data, ab testing, statistics

When working with hypothesis testing, the desciptions of the statistical method often has normality assumptions. For example, the Wikipedia page for the z-test starts like this: "A Z-test is any statistical test for which the distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis can be approximated by a normal distribution". What does this mean? How do I know it’s a valid assumption for my data?

Normal distribution from uniform

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A/B tests: Moving Fast vs Being Sure

Marton Trencseni - Mon 01 July 2019 • Tagged with ab-testing, fetchr

Most A/B testing tools default to α=0.05, meaning the expected false positive rate is 5%. In this post I explore the trade-offs between moving fast, ie. using higher α, versus being sure, ie. using lower α.

14. slide

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Beautiful A/B testing

Marton Trencseni - Sun 05 June 2016 • Tagged with ab-testing, strata, statistics, data

I gave this talk at the O’Reilly Strata Conference London in 2016 June, mostly based on what I learned at Prezi from 2012-2016.

14. slide

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